Reception Beach Explorers July 2021

The Reception children have really enjoyed learning about the different habitats on our coastline. We explored the rock-pools and discovered different types of crabs, seaweed and shells.
We then investigated the sand dunes and learnt about the different wild flowers that grow there. The children's favourite part was finding cuckoo spit! We compared the different mini beasts that can be found hiding in the shade of the grasses.
We also worked well as a team to scavenger for treasures from the shoreline to create our own rock-pools. This gave us the opportunity to use the vocabulary that we had learnt.
On this visit we used the books,  'Sharing a shell' and 'Tom and Lucy go to the seaside.'
When we got back we were able to use various art skills to create a display of our work.We created different backgrounds to show the different habitats that we explored, made crabs from shells, flowers from straws an water colour seahorses and jelly fish and sketched Bamburgh Castle.
We have written a description about the different habitats and creatures, sequenced our day, sorted shells and made a bar chart, partitioned  shells and recorded our findings.