School meals

School Meals
We provide a two-course meal, which is cooked on the premises and served in the hall.  Provision is also made for those children who wish to bring a packed lunch. All we ask is that their content comply with our healthy school status (no fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate). We are a nut free school, so please ensure that your child's packed lunch does not contain nuts or food items containing nuts.

Milk is available for those who would like it.  Reception children who are under five years of age for the whole of a term are entitled to free school milk. Children who are entitled to free school meals are now also entitled to free milk.

Every child is given a piece of fresh fruit before morning playtime. This fruit is provided free of charge as part of the initiative to encourage healthy eating. All children are encouraged to use plastic water bottles, which they can drink from during the day. Each class has a drinks chiller to keep the children’s water and milk cool.

If you have any concerns about allergies and the food we provide for children please contact the school office or school kitchen for further information.