Welcome to Class 2
Our Values
In Class 2, we nurture the individuality of every child. In a safe and secure environment, we give everyone a sense of belonging, self-worth and value.
The teaching staff work closely with the children to ensure that all needs are met and all learning styles are accommodated for, which enables them to fulfil their potential.
High expectations are set at the beginning of the year which enables the children to thrive and believe in themselves.
Through a creative curriculum, both outdoors and in, we encourage children to come out of their comfort zone by taking risks to broaden their horizons. Lessons are based on the children's interests and planned to engage and challenge their curious minds. Educational visits and organisations coming into school are key to bringing the children's learning to life.
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PE- Class 2 have PE on a Monday morning and Commando Joe's on a Thursday morning. Please can your child bring their PE kit into school on Monday morning, then leave it in school until the end of the week. PE kit should include a white t-shirt, black, blue or grey short/joggers and some trainers or plimsolls.
Forest School – We plan to go across to our Forest School sight every Wednesday and carry out activities that help build the children’s confidence, teamwork and resilience. Your child will need waterproof trousers, a coat and some wellies for wet days. These are to be brought into school on a Wednesday morning and will be returned home that evening. (Autumn Term 1 and Summer Term).
Home Reading- Children should bring their reading folder into school each day. Your child would benefit greatly from reading to an adult or older sibling each day. We will listen to your child read twice a week and change their book once it has been read fluently and they can confidently answer questions about the book. Please use the book mark your child has been given to ask questions and create discussion about the book.
Spellings- Each week your child will be tested on spellings that are appropriate for their age. As your child moves on through the year, they will be taught specific spelling rules and these rules will be written at the top of the spelling page for your information. The children will be tested every Friday. We recommend that you practise the spellings three times a week to help your child feel confident when it comes to doing the test.
High Frequency Words – To help improve the pace of reading and accuracy of spelling, it is recommended that children practise their high frequency words each week. We also work on the same words during phonics sessions and interventions to help build the children’s confidence. The children will be tested on both reading and spelling these words and will progress to the next stage when confident.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries about your child’s learning or progress.
Wherever a child or young person lives, whatever their age, social or personal situation, research shows that there are ways to improve personal wellbeing. Improving wellbeing has a direct link not only to feeling better, but also functioning better. It helps with physical health, and also things like performance at school, and quality of life.
The Five Ways to Wellbeing are to:
Be Active
Attached is a poster with more information about looking after our mental health.
In Class 2, we are committed to providing our children with a Maths curriculum that is creative and engaging and impacts positively upon their needs. All children are expected to succeed in mathematics and make progress from their starting points. Our teachers provide quality modelling and sets high expectations in all lessons.
Many of our maths lessons are practical, giving children a range of materials to support their learning needs and help deepen their understanding. Lessons are taught in small steps to ensure that children are able to progress through the learning and reach their maximum potential.
We believe that basic skills are the key to making children fluent and confident mathematicians. Number bonds, place value and timetables are taught on a regular basis through practical, mental and electronic resources.
We love to learn outdoors and are able to add excitement to our maths curriculum by using our amazing surroundings. Children enjoy carrying out maths hunts, data handling activities, shape activities and many more activities that build their confidence in maths.
Take a look at some of the maths activities we get up to in Class 2.