Welcome to Class 4

Welcome to Class 4
Class Teacher : Mrs Scragg/ Miss Foster
Teaching Assistant : Mrs Bradbury
Class Assistant and 1:1 Support : Mrs Blake
Welcome to class 4, where we strive to nurture every child, enabling them to reach their full potential.
We aim to give every child the opportunity to thrive and develop their skills and knowledge in preparation for their future lives. This starts by ensuring that they are ready for the transition to secondary school at the end of Year 6. 
Teaching staff work closely with the children, ensuring that all needs are met and all learning styles are accommodated for.  
Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning and are guided and supported with this. 
We make the curriculum relevant and real for the children, by inviting visitors into the classroom and taking the children out on regular visits. We use our beautiful and extensive school grounds to bring the curriculum to life. 


The mathematics taught in the school and Class 4, is based on the White Rose Maths Hub. Pupils receive a one hour maths lesson every day, which is largely conducted in ability grouping. Children move between the groups at various times during the school year, depending upon their differing needs.

The study of maths enables our pupils not only to become fluent in their numeracy skills but also to reason and provide explanation for mathematical concepts. Children are encouraged to explain their understanding and use their reasoning skills to solve mathematical problems. Some of these mathematical skills may be also taught through the medium of a different subject whilst the creativity and logical thinking developed by solving mathematical problems can enhance the study of other curriculum areas.

We aim to promote pupils’ enjoyment and enthusiasm for the subject through practical activity, exploration, enquiry and discussion, as well as providing opportunities to practise and consolidate basic concepts. 



At our school, pupils are provided with a broad and balanced approach to the teaching of English across the curriculum, with opportunities to consolidate and practise taught literacy skills. Literacy lessons involve the teaching of reading, writing, speaking and listening. 

Our writing plans are linked to the topics for each half term. We also use ‘The Power of Reading’, which ensures high quality texts are shared in order to teach writing through a series of lessons. This ensures that extended, purposeful writing opportunities are planned across the curriculum which will engage and encourage the children with their writing. Through these well-structured units of work the children are also directly taught grammar and punctuation. Each unit lasts between 1 and 3 weeks. Towards the end of the unit, the children use the skills they have been taught and apply these to their writing in extended writing sessions. We display the finished pieces of writing on our class 'Writing Wonder Wall' and celebrate writing achievement in a special assembly each week. 

Progression Models
Our Progression Models show how our children develop their skills and knowledge across all curriculum subjects so that they can experience a broad and balanced curriculum.  These experiences will support the children with the transition from Upper Key Stage 2 to secondary education.
Please click on the links below to view the different Progression Models.
Year 6 SATs 

Since 2016, children in Year 2 and Year 6 have taken the new style of SATs papers. The new-style SATs for English and maths reflect the new national curriculum, and were designed to be more rigorous than previous years' tests. 

 At the end of Year 6, children sit tests in:

  • Reading
  • Maths
  • Spelling, punctuation and grammar
These tests are both set and marked externally, and the results are used to measure the school’s performance (for example, through reporting to Ofsted and published league tables). Your child’s marks will be used in conjunction with teacher assessment to give a broader picture of their attainment.
Assessment and reporting  

You will be given your child’s raw score (the actual number of marks they get), alongside their scaled score and whether they have reached the expected standard set by the Department for Education 

The expected standard for each test is a scaled score of 100 or more. If a child is awarded a scaled score of 99 or less they won't have achieved the expected standard in the test.

 Please click on the links below for further information.
Practical Information
Each week, your child will be tested on spellings that are age and level appropriate. They will be taught the specific spelling rules needed each week in class and will bring home a list of spellings to practise at home. The children will be encouraged to investigate the meaning of each word and use the words in sentences. 
High Frequency Words
These are words that appear most often in the English language. In addition to their weekly spellings, children will be encouraged to learn how to read and spell high frequency words appropriate to their year group and use these correctly in their independent writing. 
Regular reading at home is essential, even when the children are able to read fluently. The children are encouraged to bring books home to read from the school and class library, in addition to their home reading book. Please can you listen to your child read on a regular basis and spend time talking about the text and the vocabulary in it. It really does make a huge difference!
Children read every day in class, during ERIC time (everyone reading in class together). 
Children will need their PE kit on Monday and Thursdays. They have PE on a Monday afternoon and Commando Joe's Character Education sessions every Thursday afternoon. 
In the Autumn term, the children will need their swimming kit every Friday. They have weekly swimming lessons at the Swan Centre in Berwick.
Learning outside the classroom
We value the benefits that learning outside the classroom (LOtC) can offer.    This could include anything from drawing out calculations and measurements on the playground, to surveying in science, or using the environment to gain inspiration for an English lesson.  Research shows that LOtC has many benefits to children, resulting in good progress and engagement.  It also teaches life skills and values such as resilience, communication and teamwork, as well as benefits to mental health.