Belford Nursery

The Pre-school is open Monday to Friday from 9.00 – 3.00 pm. Children who are three are educated alongside our reception children in the main school building. Our younger children spend their time in a separate Early Years room where the environment and resources are more appropriate for their needs. 

Children aged 3 and 4 are eligible for nursery funding for up to 30 hours and 2 year old children can receive funding if parents fit the specified criteria. Children are able to access further sessions if places are available. The Pre-school has excellent outdoor provision and they also make use of the school hall and gym equipment, library, musical instruments, playground, and playing field. The Pre-school also attend celebration assemblies with the rest of the school. All of this helps ensure a smooth transfer from Pre-school to school.


  For information regarding the charges and registration of any of the above please contact the school office on 01668 213 372