Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
At Belford Primary School, we seek to meet the needs of all our children regardless of age, ability, culture or religion. In line with the SEND code of practice we adopt a graduated approach. This recognises that children learn in different ways and can have different levels of need. If a child is identified as having learning or physical difficulties, they will be given extra support, initially by the class teacher. It may prove necessary to involve outside agencies such as the Educational Psychologist, Speech Therapist and teachers for the visually or hearing impaired, in order to develop suitable programmes for these children. If your child has difficulties you will be kept informed at all stages of their education.
Mrs Rainey is the SEND coordinator at Belford Primary School and can be contacted through the school office by telephoning 01668 213 372
Our SEN policy and SEN report, which provides all you need to know about SEND at our school, is available to download by clicking the link below:
Every Local Authority must publish a Local Offer.
The Northumberland Local Offer can be found at: https://www.northumberland.gov.uk/Children/Northumberland-Local-Offer-SEND-0-to-25-years.aspx
Parents can access further information and support from Northumberland Families Information Service, Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 2EF
Telephone: 0345 600 6400. Email: fis@northumberland.gov.uk
Telephone: 0345 600 6400. Email: fis@northumberland.gov.uk
Additional support is available via the Parent Carer Forum
Website: https://www.northumberlandsend.co.uk/parent-carer-forum
You can follow the PCF on social media
You can find support at their Facebook page, on Twitter or can contact the team via email at enquiries@npcf.co.uk
You can find support at their Facebook page, on Twitter or can contact the team via email at enquiries@npcf.co.uk